Synonym: | Ficus parvifolia Oken. |
Sub Family | Moraceae |
Local Names: | Vellaaal, Golden fig, Benjamin tree, Java fig |
Flowering and fruiting period: July – December Key Characters: Ficus benjamina are evergreen trees, aerial roots few. Leaves simple, alternate, distichous; lamina elliptic, margin entire. Inflorescence a syconia, axillary, sessile, paired, globose; internal bristles absent; flowers unisexual, of 4 kinds; male flowers: abundant; tepals 3; stamen 1, included; anthers oblong; female flowers: sessile, tepals 3-4; ovary ovate, brownish; style tip curved; gall flowers similar to female flowers but pedicellate. Syconium orange, rarely pink or dark purple. |