The institution offers 13 Under Graduate programs and 3 Post Graduate programs.
U.G. PROGRAM OUTCOME PROGRAMME - BACHELOR OF ARTS (B.A.) Student seeking admission for B.A. programme is expected to imbue with following quality which help them in their future life to achieve the expected goals.
- Realization of human values.
- Sense of social service.
- Responsible and dutiful citizen.
- Critical temper
- Creative ability
PROGRAMME - BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B.Sc.) Program Outcomes Students taking admission to this program of B.Sc. are expected to get equipped with following outcomes:
- Explaining the basic scientific principles and methods.
- Inculcating scientific thinking and awareness among the student.
- Ability to communicate with others in regional language and in English.
- Ability to handle the unexpected situation by critically analyzing the problem.
- Understanding the issues related to nature and environmental contexts and sustainable development
P.G. PROGRAM OUTCOME PROGRAMME – Master of Science (M.Sc.) MSc degree program translates to making a significant investment in one’s professional career.
- To the enhanced career prospects that can be gained by taking a Master of Science.
- Valuable personal skills and fulfil a crucial prerequisite to PhD study.
- Candidates normally have to do independent research and present a thesis as requirement for graduation.
- An understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities.
Master of Arts (M.A.)
- The students acquire in depth knowledge in the field of social sciences, literature and humanities which make them sensitive and sensible enough to solve the issues related with mankind.
- The postgraduates will be acquainted with the social, economical, historical, geographical, political, ideological and philosophical tradition and thinking of their respective subjects.
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- The program also empowers the post-graduates to appear for various competitive examinations or choose the any post graduate or research programme of their choice.
- The M. A. program enables the students to acquire the knowledge with human values framing the base to deal with various problems in life with courage and humanity.
- The students will be ignited enough through the knowledge of the special PG programme to think and act over for the solution of various issues prevailed in the human life to make this world better than ever.
- Through the PG programme the students will come know about research in their respective subject. It may also provide the information to the students for collection of Data, enquiry, primary and secondary methods of collection of data, classification and tabulation of data.
- Students get knowledge of various research methods and can realize the importance of research to find solutions of a specific issue
Course Outcomes - B.A. ENGLISH
- Basic knowledge of English as Language.
- Major knowledge of English as Literature.
- Basic knowledge of English Grammar.
- Critical study of English Literary studies.
- Relation between pleasure of literature and real life.
Course Outcomes - B.A. ECONOMICS
- Real life application
- After globalization economics as a social science gained much prominence.
- An individual can understand how to play his role as a consumer, producer and plan his income in such a manner that he gets maximum satisfaction from his income and as a producer he gets maximum profit from minimum cost.
- Economics plays a crucial role in Government decision making.
- General awareness of the Indian economyand various sectors helps them choose their career.
- Economics as a subject will provide insight to the value of money, spending and saving habits.
- Students will be aware of the banking sector as well.
- Awareness about budget preparation and economic planning activities.
Course Outcomes - B.A. SOCIOLOGY
- Acquaintance with social transactions, social relations, social formations, social control, social values and culture.
- Knowing the significance of social institution, caste system, religion, nationalism, integrity, equality and justice.
- Getting the knowledge of the works of social reformers all over the nation.
- Ability to follow new stream of thoughts and theories of social thinkers.
- Getting the deep knowledge about various social groups like tribal community, women bulk etc.
- Ability to deal with research in sociology.
Course Outcomes - B.A. POLITICAL SCIENCE
- Knowledge about political system of the nation.
- Study of national and international political affairs.
- Study from competitive examination point of view.
- Understanding the government mechanism, its functions, duties and responsibilities. e. Creating appropriate and efficient political leaders.
- Getting knowledge of political law. g. Getting knowledge of Constitution of India.
Course Outcomes – BSc Geology
- Geology curriculum provides expert education for students who wish to pursue professional careers in mineral and oil exploration, extractive industries, environmental science, hydrology and other areas associated with the Earth sciences.
- The course utilizes Physics, Chemistry ,Biology, Mathematics and Computer science to develop a holistic and basic understanding of our planet.
Course Outcomes - B.Sc PSYCHOLOGY
- Understanding human behavior
- Enhancement of stress management skills.
- Enhancement of coping skill with different problems in life.
- Enabling to measure attitude, aptitude, interest, adjustment, skills etc. e. Introduction to counselling process and techniques.
- Illustration of mental disorder and treatment
Course Outcomes - B. Sc. Chemistry
- Creating interest in environmental issue.
- Increasing working knowledge of instruments.
- Obtaining the knowledge of pharmaceutical tables
- Social awareness about the quality of water.
- Increasing the practical skill of the students
- Awareness about plastic garbage
Course Outcomes -B. Sc. Mathematics
- Ability to calculate and reason to design complex and critical financial models for Bank and Insurance Companies.
- Ability to understand both concrete and abstract problems.
- Ability to make critical observations.
- Ability to accurately organize, analyze and interpret data.
- Develop the mathematical logic which is very useful for solving mathematical reasoning problems.
Course Outcomes - - B. Sc. Physics
- Identifying and describing physical systems with their professional knowledge.
- Developing their scientific intuition, ability and techniques to tackle problems either theoretical or experimental in nature.
- Knowledge of general physics like sound, wave, friction, forces and laws of motion and use of mathematics.
- Information of electrical current, circuits, construction and their use.
- Learning about concepts of nuclear physics and nuclear energies and importance of their use for mankind.
- Knowing about the light and its importance in life, its characteristics, properties and use in various instruments
Course Outcomes - B. Sc. BOTANY
- .Classification and identification of various taxa.
- Identification of medicinal plants for human welfare.
- Promoting awareness on horticultural therapy an upcoming prospect for
differently abled children.
- Promotion of indigenous knowledge for curing various life style diseases
through secondary metabolites.
- Awareness on ways and means of enhancing green spaces for pollution
free environment.
- Need for afforestation in fighting against natural disasters.
Course Outcomes - B. Sc. ZOOLOGY
- Improving the knowledge about criteria for animal classification.
- Study of salient features of chordates and non-chordates.
- Improving the knowledge of animals about their special adaptations and evolutionary relationship. d. Scientific study of their nature of habitant with environment.
- Improving information about external morphology and anatomy of animals including human being.
Course Outcomes Commerce (B.COM)
- Commercial sense.
- Develop managerial skills.
- Entrepreneurial skill. d. Budgeting policy.
- Human Resources Management.
- Develop Numerical ability.
- Well versed with business regularity framework.
M.Sc. Chemistry
- Gains complete knowledge about all fundamental aspects of all the elements of chemist.
- Understands the background of organic reaction mechanisms, complex chemical structures, and instrumental method of chemical analysis, molecular rearrangements and separation technique.
- Gathers attention about the physical aspects of atomic structure, dual behaviour, reaction pathways with respect to time, various energy transformations, molecular assembly in Nano level, significance of electrochemistry, molecular segregation using their symmetry.
- Carry out experiments in the area of organic analysis, estimation, separation, derivative process, inorganic semi micro analysis, preparation, conductometric and potentiometric
- Think critically and can analyse chemical problems.
- Present scientific and technical information resulting from laboratory experimentation in both written and oral formats.
- Work effectively and safely in a laboratory environment.
- Use technologies / instrumentation to gather and analyse data.
- Work in teams as well as independently.
- Apply modern methods of analysis to chemical system in a laboratory setting
M.A. English
- Understand and learn the literary works on the basis of the foundation laid by the scholars. Strengthen their language competency. Assist them in understanding of extended frontiers of language and literature.
- To write and speak English correctly
- To understand culture and society
- To learn democratic principles and language of law and governance
- To understand global culture
- To appreciate films and fine arts
- To apply the knowledge of language in learning other foreign languages
- To apply the knowledge of language in acquiring higher status in the society

Annual Quality Assurance Report For The Period 2017-18
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Annual Quality Assurance Report For The Period 2016-17
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Academic Performance Indicators-API
Annual Self-Assessment for the Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS): DOC | PDF
Academic Performance Indicator(API) Dated 04.11.2015: PDF
Academic Performance Indicator(API) Dated 18.11.2015: PDF
NAAC - Affiliated College Manual, 31 jul 2017
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Annual Quality Assurance Report For The Period 2015-16
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'Congratulations to Dr.Swapna Gopinath, Associate Professor, Department of English, for securing UGC Research Award in 2015 for completing Post Doctoral Research during 2016-18.'
Academic Auditing
an orientation programme by
Former Dean of Sciences & Former HOD of Zoology, Bishop Herber College (Autonomous), Trichy & External Academic Auditor.
Organised by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Sree Narayana College, Chempazhanthy.
Internal Quality Assurance (IQAC)Sree Narayana College Chempazhanthy
Orientation Class on Best Practices in Quality Higher Education
Dr. Gabriel Simon Thattil
(Former Director, IQAC, University of Kerala)
on 28.10.2015 at seminar hall
Enhancing Employability of Students of Sree Narayana College Chempazhanthy
A motivation class by
Dr. N.R. Unnikrishna Kartha Ph.D, MBA,, M.Sc (Engg)
(Faculty Consultant & Teacher in HRM & TQM)
On 26.10.2015 Monday
Organized by International Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
in Association with Career Guidance Cell
University Grants Commission Research Project for Teachers
XII Plan guidelines (2012-2017)
University Grants Commission Minor Research Project for Teachers
XII Plan guidelines (2012-2017)