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Code of Conduct

UGC-Sponsored Women’s Hostel

SreeNarayana College, Chempazhanthy is an institution that nurtures teaching learning process in utmost sanctity and harmony. It firmly believes in respect, moral values, discipline and integrity that is crucial for the development of the institution as well as its students.This Code of Conduct intends to guide the students to be aware of their social and moral responsibilities in the college hostel as individuals and as budding products of this institution.

  • The Principal of the college or one among the faculty members of the college appointed by the Principal, will be the Warden for the hostel.
  • The Warden is the chief authority of the hostel and shall take decisions on all matters related to the day-today affairs of the hostel.
  • Warden shall be the controlling officer for all those employees who are posted for various duties in the hostel. Any communication between the inmates and employees posted at the hostel shall be routed through the Warden.
  • Warden shall manage the properties and infrastructure of the hostel.
  • Matrons/Caretakers shall be appointed for helping the Warden in the administration of the hostel.

Admission of Students

  • Students shall apply for accommodation in a hostel to through the Head of the Department/tutor so that the warden shall accommodate the students into the hostel.
  • Students shall remit the required fees/deposits/mess advance at the time of admission.
  • A sum of Rs. 500.00 fixed by the College or revised from time to time will have to be paid towards Caution Deposit, which will be refunded at the time when the student vacates the hostel, after deducting the dues, if any.
  • Students shall occupy the rooms only after the allotment is made by the Warden/Matron concerned.
  • Change of room may be permit ed in exceptional cases, provided it is deemed necessary/justified by the Warden. Unauthorised occupation of any room or exchange of rooms shall be treated as serious violation of disciplinary rules of the hostels. Residents found guilty of such violation of the hostel rules shall be expelled from the hostels.
  • Rooms and room-mates shall be changed every academic year.
  • Admission into hostel is valid upto the end of academic programme. Students are deemed to vacate the hostel immediately after the examination or the date of discontinuing the study in the University.
  • Students should vacate the hostel before proceeding on summer vacation.
  • Students who have vacated should not stay in the hostel without prior permission from the Warden.
  • Considering the security implication of students staying back in single during the vacations, the hostel shall not function/run if 80% of the students are on vacation.


  • Students shall pay the hostel rent on the first day of the Semester. If not, a fine of Rs. 25/day will be levied for the first week and Rs.50/day from the next week onwards.
  • Mess Advance shall be paid when one joins the mess and it shall be maintained throughout the period of stay by recouping the monthly hostel bill.
  • The hostel charges/mess bill for each month will be displayed in the hostel notice board by the 2nd of the following month. The mess fee must be paid latest by 7th of the following month.
  • Every inmate of the hostel shall pay the mess bill and other charges before the stipulated date (7th of every month), failing which a fine of Rs.10/- will be charged for each day delayed.
  • The approved rules regarding mess rebate will be applicable for all the inmates of the hostel. Mess rebate is entitled only for absences of a minimum of seven consecutive days, if such a request is given to the Warden/Matron in advance and the reduction will be for the one half of days of absence.
  • Skipping of regular menu and claiming for deduction is strictly not permissible. However, on medical grounds or for valid reasons, rebate is permitted with the authorization of the Warden.


  • All residents shall collectively run the hostel mess on a shared basis.
  • All residents are instructed to attend the General meetings and Mess meetings of the hostel. Attendance should be recorded in the Register.
  • There shall be a students’ Mess Committee and the Mess Secretary can give suggestions regarding mess to the Matron or care taker.
  • The total expenditure shall be collectively met by the students on a monthly basis.
  • The mess timings shall be fixed by the mess committee and matron/caretaker. The timings are to be displayed at the entrance of the dining hall. These timings are to be strictly adhered to. It is not obligatory on the part of the kitchen/dining hall staff to serve the meals outside the prescribed timings.
  • All students should take food in the mess hall only. No resident of the hostel is permitted to take food, utensils like tumblers, plates or spoons and dining hall furniture like chairs, tables etc. outside the dining hall/hostel premises and even to his/her room.
  • Cooking inside the rooms is prohibited.
On Working Days     On Holidays
Breakfast: 07.30 a.m. to 9.00 a.m. 07.30 a.m. to 9.30 a.m.
Lunch: 12.45 p.m. to 2.00 p.m 12.30 p.m. to 2.15 p.m.
Dinner: 07.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. 07.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m.


  • Cooperate with fellow residents and matron/care taker for the smooth running of the hostel.
  • Maintain decorum and behave with restraint in all your conduct in the Hostel.
  • Keep the hostel premises and the rooms neat and clean.
  • Put sanitary items in the bin provided for it, and do not flesh them into toilet.
  • Residents will be completely responsible for all his/her personal possessions including Laptop/mobile phones/electronic gadgets etc. Students are advised not to keep valuables in the hostel rooms. The hostel administration will not be responsible for any loss incurred.
  • Students should lock their rooms properly when they go out. Each room-mate must keep a key of his/her room, particularly in the case of double/triple seated rooms.
  • Ensure economic use of electricity and water.
  • Fans, lights and such other electrical gadgets must be switched off when students leave their rooms for attending classes or for vacation. Light must be switched off positively when they go to bed. In case it is noticed that fans/lights are on the locked room, a penalty will be imposed for wasting the costly energy sources.
  • Glass windows are to be closed securely.
  • Additional electric fittings and use of all unauthorized electrical appliances such as heaters etc. are strictly prohibited and these will be confiscated, and the concerned student will be penalized.
  • Room furniture, electrical fittings etc. are required to be maintained by the students in good condition. Residents will be personally and collectively responsible for any loss/damage to the properties and equipment and other fittings in the common halls. In case of damage to any buildings, furniture, apparatus or other property of the hostel, the loss caused to the institution shall be recovered directly from those identified persons whenever possible.
  • Common Television provided should not be used after 10.00 pm.
  • Students should not paste any posters /pictures etc on the walls, doors, windows and shelves. Cut-outs should not be placed or brought in the hostel.
  • It is prohibited to throw garbage, trash or any other things outside the hostel through the windows/balconies. All such waste materials shall be dropped separately in the dustbins kept at the corners of the hostels. The housekeeping staff engaged by the hostel collects garbage every day and dispose the same.
  • Smoking, consumption of alcoholic beverages or intoxicated drugs, playing cards or any kind of gambling, keeping of any dangerous drugs or weapons, performing experiments in the hostels, shouting or causing any kind of disturbances inside or outside the hostel premises are strictly prohibited. Similarly, no pets are allowed to be kept in the hostel premises. The Security/ warden/ matron is authorized to check the bags of any student at any time for prohibited materials, in case of a doubt.
  • Student should not keep large amount of cash or costly items like camera, Electronic gadgets, jewellery etc. in their rooms. Hence complaint about loss or theft about such costly items is discouraged.
  • Perfect silence is to be maintained in the hostel from 10.00 pm to 7 am.
  • Celebrating birthday parties inside the hostel rooms is strictly prohibited.
  • Students should sleep in their own rooms. One should not enter the rooms/apartments of other residents.
  • No one should use the belongings of other students without their knowledge and consent.
  • All the hostellers are to note that electrical/carpentry/plumbing complaints should be given in writing to Matron or written in the complaint register available in the hostel office. In case, the complaint is not attended to or there is any difficulty, the students can contact the Warden.
  • Students should not arrange any functions or meeting within the hostel /college campus or outside the campus, without prior permission from the Principal and Warden.
  • Any student who is removed from the college will automatically cease to be a member of the hostel.
  • The hostel will be personally inspected by the Deputy Warden and other authorities regularly. The residents will be subjected to sever disciplinary action if they fail to follow above mentioned rules and regulations.


  • Hostel inmates are supposed to take care of their health themselves. In case a student falls sick, she should contact immediately the Matron/Warden. In case of an emergency, students may shift the patient immediately to a hospital and inform the authorities at the earliest.
  • Student suffering from infectious/contagious disease will not be permitted to stay in hostels and has to leave for medical treatment to proper clinic/hospital or isolated place.


  • Daily attendance must be taken by the Matron between 6:40-7.00 pm.
  • Hostel students shall not leave the hostel without prior permission of the Warden. They shall have to apply for permission in writing in advance stating the reason for leaving and the address of destination. Hostel students who leave hostel without the application and prior permission from the concerned authorities shall be deemed to be missing and their parent/guardian or even the police authorities may be intimated.
  • All movements of students from and to the hostels should be recorded in the movement register kept with the Matron and with the security guard at the entrance of the hostel and should be properly signed. He/she should note down the time and purpose of leaving the hostel and the expected time of return in the register each time they go out of the hostel.
  • Inmates of the hostel should not leave the hostel premises on holidays for the purpose of excursion or picnic without prior permission of the Warden. For any accident or fatality that may occur during picnic/excursion, the responsibility does not lie with the institution or hostel authorities.
  • Students may go home with the permission obtained from Warden/Matron during alternative weekends and during holidays that exceed two consecutive days, if necessary.
  • Special permission of the warden may be taken for leaving the hostel under other unavoidable circumstances.
  • Students absenting themselves from regular classes will have to take the permission of the Warden.
  • Inmates coming to the hostel after the gate closing hours, without prior permission or without valid reason, are not allowed. If any, will be reported to the parents. Regular late comers will not be allowed to stay in the hostel.


  • Visiting hours is from 5 pm to 6: 30 pm on working days and from 10 am to 6:30 pm on holidays.
  • Visitors are not permitted in the hostel after 6.30 p.m. However, in special cases, prior permission of warden must be obtained to stay beyond these hours.
  • Only 3 authorized visitors (including parents) are permitted. Visitors are requested to visit their wards only during visiting hours.
  • Any Guest/Visitor should record their name, address and other relevant details in the Visitor's Register kept with the security guard at the entrance of the hostel and report the same to the Matron/Care taker.
  • Wrong/improper or lack of entry in the movement/visitor’s registers, signing on behalf of another person, tampering with the entries, proxy attendance and misguidance of any nature are punishable.
  • Guests are not permitted to stay overnight in the hostel without the written permission of the Warden. Guest charge shall be Rs.100/day for students and Rs.150/day for other guests. The host shall be responsible to pay the amount.
  • Any hostel student harboring any unauthorized person(s) will be expelled from the hostel immediately.


  • Warden can permit accommodation to a student of this college, for a period not more than 10 days upon receiving an application for the same forwarded by the Tutor & Head of the Department, if a vacancy is available.
  • Warden can directly accommodate a regular student of the College on emergency situations for one day, if a vacancy is available.
  • A visiting student or researcher can be accommodated to a hostel by the Warden, on temporary basis, upon receiving a written request forwarded by the Head of the Department/ Research Supervisor as the case may be, provided a vacancy exists in the Hostel.


  • Grievances, if any, should be addressed to the Warden.
  • No hostel inmate shall take the law into his/her own hands. Students shall report to the warden if any misconduct is noticed in the Hostel. If any of the hostel inmates find that other students are indulging in any undesirable activity or causing inconvenience or physical injury to him/her or to the other hostel inmates, he/she should lodge a complaint in writing with the warden concerned.
  • Accommodation in the hostel cannot be claimed as a matter of right. Hostel inmates who disturb the peace and tranquility of the hostel and those who are found guilty of misconduct or guilty of infringement of any of the rules prescribed above shall be liable to fine, suspension, rustication or dismissal from the hostel by the appropriate authority.
  • If any inmate is found indulging in any form of instigation/intimidation/threat to any other inmates he/she will be asked to vacate the hostel forthwith. In this regard, the decision of the Warden is final and binding on the individual's concerned.
  • Residents shall not get involved in arguments or otherwise interfere with the duties of the employees of the hostel. If there is any complaint or suggestion to be made, it shall be made to the warden concerned.
  • Cost of damage to any allotted items or of the common property shall be levied from the concerned inmate.
  • Religious/political meetings shall not be held within the hostel.
  • College administration reserves the right to amend, delete or add any rules from time to time or as it deems fit. Failure to abide by any of these rules shall result in strict disciplinary actions by the appropriate authority.


  • Ragging of any kind is strictly prohibited in the hostel premises and it is a cognizable offence severely punishable as per the Supreme Court directives, leading to immediate expulsion of the person engaged in such activity from the Hostel and it may extend even up to termination from the University.
  • SreeNarayana College, Chempazhanthy believes in creating a home away from home in its hostel. For the smooth running of the hostel all inmates are to abide by the hostel rules framed from time to time.