Course Outcome

BA Sociology


Course code

Course title

Course outcomes

I (core)

SG 1144

Introduction to Social Sciences

CO 1. Learners will be enabled to comprehend and evaluate the conceptual framework of Indian social system.
CO 2. Learners will gain understanding of the dynamics of social institutions and applications of different theoretical as well as methodological perspectives of studying Indian Society.
CO 3. Learners will be acquainted with contemporary Indian society in terms of caste, class and religion.
CO 4. Learners will be able to evaluate social, economic and cultural features of minorities and other weaker section in India as well as the Constitutional provision for the protection of minorities and other weaker section in India

I (compl)

SG 1135

Introduction to Sociology

CO 1.Learners from disciplines other than Sociology understand the origin and development of Sociology as well as the scope of the discipline
CO 2. Learners get an introduction to the key concepts of Sociology
CO 3. Learners will be able to comprehend the significance of social processes and social change

II (core)

SG 1244

Understanding Indian Society

CO 1. Gets comprehensive, integrated and empirically-based profile of Indian Society is understood by the students.
CO 2.  get an idea about the present and the past structural make of Indian society.
CO 3. Understands Different theoretical perspective  on Indian society is familiarized by the students
CO 4.  analyze different social institutions  in contemporary Indian society

II (compl)

SG 1235

Individual and Social Behaviour

CO 1.Gain an understanding of the basics in Social Psychology
Familiarize with the relation between individual and society
CO 2. Learners will be able to recognize social behavior and its dynamics
CO 3. Analyze the role of personality in social system

III (core)

SG 1323

Social Informatics

CO 1.Familiarizes with the basic concepts and acquire a functional knowledge in the field of informatics
CO 2. Learners will be equipped with the knowledge necessary to identify, analyze, and report various ICT-related issues faced by society, governments, and organizations
CO 3. Provides awareness on the social issues and concerns in the use of digital technology
CO 4. To develop skills in the use of digital knowledge resources in learning

III (core)

SG 1344

Sociological Theories

CO 1.Acquaints with the philosophical roots of sociological theory
CO 2. Familiarizes with the various contexts that led to the emergence of sociology as a distinctive discipline
CO 3. Learners acquire a preliminary understanding of the classical contributions in sociological theories

III (compl)

SG 1335

Sociology and ageing

CO 1.To understand the development of Social Gerontology
CO 2. Learners become aware of the theoretical perspectives on ageing
CO 3. To become familiar with the demographic profile of elderly and to analyze the major problems faced by the elderly
CO 4. To gain an understanding about various measures and policies of elderly

IV (core)

SG 1443

Research Methodology

CO 1.To understand the fundamentals of social research and its applications
CO 2. To comprehend the scientific nature of research and various steps involved in it
CO 3. Learners will acquire various tools, techniques and methods of data collection
CO 4. To gain basic knowledge on the role of statistics in social research

IV (core)

SG 1444

Social Psychology

CO 1.To understand the basic concepts in Social Psychology
CO 2. Learners will be able to analyze social behavior and its characteristics
CO 3. Comprehends the nature and factors affecting personality and its relation with social system

IV (compl)

SG 1435.1

Women Studies

CO 1.Provides basic concepts related with Women studies, to trace the history of women’s movements and the historical roots
of feminism
CO 2. Learners acquire the skills to problematize the taken for granted gender bias and prejudices
CO 4. To learn to evaluate and deconstruct the existing gendered social system

V (core)

SG 1541

Gender and Society

CO 1. To become familiar with the key concepts in gender
CO 2. To understand the spheres of gender in everyday life
CO 3. To develop skills in analyzing gender attributes
CO 4. To be able to problematize the taken for granted gender bias and prejudices

V (core)

SG 1452

Structure and Transformation of Kerala Society

CO 1. To gain knowledge about the social and cultural history of Kerala society
CO 2. Familiarizes with the trajectory of social transformation in Kerala and its implications to the present day society
CO 3. Acquires skills in understanding and analyzing the various problems of contemporary Kerala society

V (core)

SG 1543

Urban Planning and Development

CO 1.Learners become familiarized with the key concepts in Urban Sociology and the sociological perspectives on urban social life
CO 2. To develop analytical capacity among students about urbanization, urban communities, and urban problems
CO 3. To understand the relevance of urban planning and development

V (core)

SG 1544.1

Rural Development

CO 1. To understand and assess the conceptual meaning of rural development.
CO 2. To identify the characteristics of rural and urban aspects in social life.
CO 3. To acquire the ability to critically evaluate the policies, programmes and strategies for uplifting the rural life comprehensively

V (core)

SG 1545.1

Sociology of Development

CO 1. To obtain conceptual understanding of social development
CO 2. To get familiarized with some of the theories of development
CO 3. To become aware of the global scenario of development

V (open course)

SG 1551.1

Life Skill Education

CO 1. Basic understanding is gained by students on life skill education
CO 2. Different elements of soft skills are identified by the students and they learn how to enhance capabilities
CO 3. Enables to analyze the relationship between self and society

VI (core)

SG 1641

Environmental Sociology

CO 1.To provide awareness on the various environmental issues
CO 2. Learners gain knowledge about certain theoretical foundations in environmental studies
CO 3. To develop an understanding about how developmental programmes may affect the existence of human life
CO 4. Familiarizes with environmental movements and efforts at environmental conservation

VI (core)

SG 1642

Sociology of Health

CO 1.Learners will gain a basic understanding on the social background of health and diseases
CO 2. Provides awareness on the importance of social and medical interventions for the prevention and control of diseases
CO 3. To acquire skills in recognizing the need for effective health policies and programmes for the promotion and protection of health

VI (core)

SG 1643

Social Stratification

CO 1. Acquires a basic understanding on the various dimensions of inequality in the society
CO 2. Understands and get familiarized with the major approaches of stratifications studies
CO 3. Gains knowledge regarding social stratification in India

VI (core)

SG 1644.2

Social Anthropology

CO 1. Comprehends the basics of social anthropology as a discipline and enables learners to understand the different methods adopted in social anthropology
CO 1. Familiarizes with the social and cultural life of the tribal society of India in general and Kerala in particular
CO 1. Provides a preliminary understanding of the transformations in tribal societies in India and Kerala

VI (core)

SG 1661.2

Crimes and Society

CO 1.To acquire knowledge regarding crime, its changing profile and various theoretical perspectives on crime
CO 2. To develop a sociological understanding towards crime and criminal justice in our society
CO 3. To become sensitized to the causes, social dimensions, consequences and measures to control various forms of crime

VI (core)

EC 1645

Project work

CO 1 – Equips students to identify an issue or topic of their interest within the subject, conducting a study in a systematic and scientific way, and to prepare and present the report in a structured manner