Course Outcome

BA Political Science


Course code

Course title

Course outcomes

I (core)

PS 1141

Methodology and Perspectives of Social Sciences

CO 1. Help to Identify the main concerns of social science disciplines.
CO 2. Articulation of the basic terminology and theories prevalent across disciplines.
CO 3. Understanding of qualitative and quantitative models within the social sciences.
CO 4. Educate students to apply the methods and theories of social science to contemporary issues.

I (compl)

PS 1131

Introduction to Political Science

CO 1. To familiarize the students with the fundamental principles of Political Science
CO 2. To introduce the major concepts of Political Science
CO 3. To make aware about various political ideologies

II (core)

PS 1241

Introduction to Political Theory

CO 1. Educates students Political Theory and the basic concepts
CO 2. Makes students identify various approaches to the study of Political Theory
CO 3. Provides knowledge about various theories and concepts of Political Theory
CO 4. Helps students to familiarize about the structure and functions of the organs of Government.

II (compl)

PS 1231

Indian Government and Politics

CO 1. To impart knowledge about the functioning of the constitution of India
CO 2. To study the basic principles of the Indian constitution
CO 3. To impart awareness about the Political System in India

III (core)

PS 1321

Cyber Politics

CO 1. Offers a broad perspective on Cyber Space and the politics involved in it
CO 2. To introduce the student to Information Communication Technology(ICT)
CO 3. To familiarize the importance of ICT in Governance and Development
CO 4. To make the student understand the importance of democratization of cyber space and its security issues

III (core)

PS 1341

Indian Constitution

CO 1. To impart knowledge about the legal and ideological framework of the Indian Constitution
CO 2. To create awareness about the political processes and the actual functioning of the political system
CO 3. To study in detail the political structure – both constitutional and administrative
CO 4. To study the rights and privileges granted by the constitution

III (compl)

PS 1331

Public Administration

CO 1. To create an understanding of the basic elements of Public Administration
CO 2. To equip the students with some theoretical understanding about Public Administration
CO 3. To embody detailed discussion on Organization, Personnel Administration and Financial Administration

IV (core)

PS 1441

Dynamics of Indian Politics

CO 1. To impart knowledge about the actual working of the Indian political system in a plural set up
CO 2. To study the unique characteristics of the Indian federal system
CO 3. To motivate the students to critically study the functioning of the constitution
CO 4. To impart awareness about major issues in Indian political system

IV (core)

PS 1442

Introduction to Comparative Politics

CO 1. To highlight the theoretical evolution and approaches to the study of Comparative Politics
CO 2. To impart skill to analyze in a comparative way political developments across world in the light of various theories.
CO 3. To familiarize the students basic features about the constitutions of major political systems

IV (compl)

PS 1431

International Politics

CO 1. To equip the students with the basic concepts, theories, ideologies, and approaches in the study of International Politics
CO 2. To provide an overview of the changing power relations in the international arena
CO 3. To create awareness about major issues in global politics

V (core)

PS 1541

Public Administration

CO 1. To inculcate a basic understanding of the fundamental principles of Public Administration
CO 2. To create awareness about the basic pillars of Public Administration like Organisation, Personnel Administration, Financial Administration
CO 3. To impart knowledge about Planning and its machinery.
CO 4. To create awareness about Citizen’s defender mechanisms

V (core)

PS 1542

Ancient and Medieval Political Thought

CO 1. To familiarize the Ideas of ancient and medieval political thinkers
CO 2. To build in the minds of students an overall outlook about political thought
CO 3. To study about the relevance of ancient and modern political thought in the modern world

V (core)

PS 1543

International Relations

CO 1. To equip the students with the basic concepts, theories, ideologies and approaches to the study of International Relations
CO 2. To familiarize the changing nature of power relations
CO 3. To make an understanding about issues in global politics

V (core)

PS 1544

Research Methods in Political Science

CO 1. To familiarize the students with the research methods in Political Science
CO 2. To enable for the practical use of students in their Project/Dissertation in the Sixth Semester.
CO 3. To identify the different methods and techniques applicable to Political Science Research

V (core)

PS 1545

Human Rights in India

CO 1. To highlight the concept of Human Rights, its evolution and importance in our society
CO 2. To make an understanding about various rights, including political, civil, social, economic and cultural rights
CO 3. To familiarize the Human rights condition in India including constitutional provisions
CO 4. To equip the students with the skills to evaluate the Human Rights enforcement methods

V (open course)

PS 1551.2

Human Rights in India

CO 1. To highlight the concept of Human Rights, its evolution and importance in our society
CO 2. To make an understanding about various rights, including political, civil, social, economic and cultural rights
CO 3. To familiarize the Human rights condition in India including constitutional provisions
CO 4. To equip the students with the skills to evaluate the Human Rights enforcement methods

VI (core)

PS 1641

Modern Political Thought

CO 1. To provide a detailed understanding about modern political thought
CO 2. To equip the student to develop their own ideas about various political and social issues
CO 3. To attempt a comparative study of eastern and western political thought

VI (core)

PS 1642

State and Society in Kerala

CO 1. To provide a comprehensive analysis of the socio-political structure of Kerala
CO 2. To familiarize the students with the state and social structure of Kerala
CO 3. To make a detailed analysis of the socio-political evolution of the state of Kerala
CO 4. To equip the students to analyze the key issues in the state and society in Kerala

VI (core)

PS 1643

Decentralization and Participatory Democracy

CO 1. To provide a detailed understanding about democratic decentralization, participatory governance with emphasis on India and Kerala
CO 2. To impart knowledge about tools of participatory democracy
CO 3. To inculcate skills for capacity building activities in local self governing institutions

VI (core)

PS 1644

New Social Movements

CO 1. To offer a broad perspective on power and resistance in the era of neoliberal globalisation
CO 2. To equip the students to understand the dynamics of social conflicts, activism and social change
CO 3. To familiarize contemporary social movements in the civil society with an emphasis on the movements by the marginalized sections in the era of neoliberal globalization

VI (core)

PS 1661.2

Introduction to Public Policy Analysis

CO 1. To equip students to find solutions to practical problems which are brought to the agenda of government
CO 2. To familiarize the actual situations of Public Policy formulation
CO 3. To create awareness about the determines of public policy.

VI (core)

PS 1645


CO 1. To develop an aptitude for research in Political Science
CO 2. To inculcate proficiency to identify appropriate research topics and presentation