Courses offered by Physics Department

Bachelor of Science in Physics
By the end of the first year (2nd semester), the students should have,

  1. attained a common level in basic mechanics and properties of matter and laid a secure foundation in mathematics for their future courses.
  2.  developed their experimental and data analysis skills through a wide range of experiments in the practical laboratories.

By the end of the second year (4th semester), the students should have

  1. been introduced to powerful tools for tackling a wide range of topics in Thermodynamics, Electrodynamics, Classical Mechanics and Relativistic Mechanics.
  2. become familiar with additional relevant mathematical techniques. iii. Further developed their experimental skills through a series of experiments which also illustrate major themes of the lecture courses.

By the end of the third year (6th semester), the students should have

  1. covered a range of topics in almost all areas of physics including Quantum Physics, Solid State Physics, Computational Physics, Electronics etc.
  2. had experience of independent work such as projects, seminars etc.
  3. developed their understanding of core Physics.

BSc Physics - Syllabus 2018 onwards: Download syllabus

Course Details



Course Code

Course Name

Course Outcome




Basic Mechanics & Properties of Matter

  1. Understand the elastic behaviour of materials and how they are evaluated for different shapes of practical relevance
  2. Study of bending behaviour beams and analyse the expression for young's modulus
  3. Undestand properties such as viscosity and surface tension
  4. Learn the fundamentals of harmonic oscillator and its applications
  5. Study the general equation of wave motion




Heat and Thermodynamics

  1. Understand thermal conducitivity and black body radiation
  2. Understand the various thermodynamic process and work done in each of these process
  3. Learn about reversible and irreversible process and also working of a Carnot engine,Petrol engine and Diesel engine and knowledge of calculating change in entropy for various process.
  4. Study the importance of Thermodynamical functions and applications of Maxwell’s relations.



PY 1341


  1. Understand more about electrostatics and laws governing the charge distribution
  2. Learn  Laplace equation for calculating potential and its application
  3. Study about Polarization,bound charges and boundary condition
  4. Learn Biot Savarts Law and Amperes law
  5. Study the Maxwell’s equations, displacement current and its applications
  6. Learn electromagnetic wave propagation and Poynting’s theorem
  7. Study transient and alternating current response of CR, LC, CR and LCR circuits, which is essential in designing as well as understanding the working of electronic circuits





Classical And Relativistic Mechanics

  1. Learn frames of references and transformation laws
  2. Learn conservation laws of energy and linear and angular momentum and application
  3. Understand central forces and Kepler’s laws
  4. Study Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations of classical mechanics
  5. Understand the special theory of relativity , length contraction and time dilation and mass -energy equivalence





Quantum Mechanics

  1. Understand more about Blackbody radiation, Compton effect ,Photoelectric effect ,wave nature of matter and hence the emergence of quantum mechanics
  2. Study the Bohr Atom model in detail and hence explain hydrogen atom
  3. Learn about wave properties of matter,de- Broglie waves, uncertainty principle  and its applications
  4. Learn the basic postulates of quantum mechanics and understand the importance of wavefunction
  5. Learn the mathematical tools used in quantum mechanics

Study Schrödinger’s equation and its applications on different potentials


Statistical Physics, Research Methodology and Disaster Management

  1. Understand ensembles,microstates,macrostates and phase space
  2. Understand indistinguishability of particles
  3. Learn Maxwell - Boltzmann, Bose - Einstein and Fermi - Dirac distribution laws and functions
  4. Learn types of research,, research methods, and various steps in research process
  5. Learn how to write a thesis or report
  6. Understand different types of errors, standard deviation, variance and graphical representation of errors
  7. Learn global natural disasters, impact of global climate change, human adaptability of natural disasters
  8. Study earth quake disaster and their effects, tsunami
  9. Study about environmental health and diseases, pre- disaster activity, role of water supply
  10. Learn control and prevention of epidemics
  11. Understand radiation emergencies



  1. Learn to solve complex problems involving linear electrical networks using various network theorems
  2. Understand basic knowledge of semiconductor physics
  3. Acquire knowledge about rectifiers, amplifiers and oscillators
  4. Understand the need of modulation and types of modulation
  5. Learn the importance and applications of different operational amplifiers


Atomic & Molecular Physics

  1. Learn vector atom model and different coupling schemes
  2. Know about atomic spectra and its impication on electric and magnetic fields
  3. Understand more about X rays such as origin, type, and application
  4. Learn molecular spectra  and Frank - Condon principle
  5. Learn basics of ESR, NMR, Mossbauer and its applications


Astronomy and Astrophysics (Open Course)

  1. Understand the fundamentals of Astronomy
  2. Learn the history of modern astronomy
  3. Study more about solar system
  4. Learn about stars such as their properties, temperature, mass etc




PY 1641

Solid State Physics

  1. Understand crystal structure, types of lattices, Brillouin zones
  2. Learn Bragg’s law and X ray diffraction
  3. Study inter atomic forces and types of bonding
  4. Learn conduction of metals using free electron model
  5. Study Band theory of solids, and Hall effect
  6. Understand dielectric  and magnetic  properties of materials
  7. Learn more about superconductivity

PY 1642

Nuclear and Particle Physics

  1. Understand more about properties of nuclei
  2. Learn different types of nuclear models
  3. Understand radioactivity and nuclear reactions
  4. Study particle detectors and accelerators
  5. Learn nuclear fiision, fusion and its applications

PY 1643

Classical And Modern Optics

  1. Learn interference  , diffraction and polarization of light and their  applications
  2. Understand dispersion of light
  3. Learn about laser its working and its applications
  4. Study more about fibre optics and fibre optics communication
  5. Learn priciple, and application of Holography

PY 1644

Digital Electronics And Computer Science

  1. Understand different number systems
  2. Learn about Logic gates and Boolean algebra
  3. Study different Arithmetic and Sequential circuits using logic gates
  4. Understand basics of Computers and memory systems
  5. Learn programming language C++ and its applications
  6. Learn fundamentals of 8085 microprocessor

PY 1661.4

Nano Science And Technology

  1. Understand different dimensional nano structures
  2. Learn conduction mechanism in nano structures
  3. Learn how to apply quantum mechanics in nanoscience
  4. Study different methods of growth of nanomaterials
  5. Study different characterization tools of nanomaterials
  6. Understand different applications of nanotechnology