Courses offered by the Department

Four Year UG Programmes

I &II  Discipline Specific Core Courses and Discipline Specific Elective Courses

Semester CategoryDSC/DSE Course
I DSC Understanding History
DSC Gender through the Ages: Historical
Perspectives and Practices
DSC History of Human Rights Movements
II DSC India – Early Social Formations
DSC Ancient Indian Art and Architecture
DSC History of Science and Technology in Ancient
III DSC State and Society in Ancient India
DSC Science and Technology in Contemporary India
DSC Art and Architecture: Medieval and Colonial Times
DSE History of Pre Modern Kerala
IV DSC Pre-Colonial India’s Political and Socio-
Economic Dynamics
DSC Reconstructing the Past
DSE Kerala- From Post- Perumal Period to British
V DSC Historiography: Origins and Development
DSC Capitalism and Colonial Expansion in India
DSC History of Socio- Reform Movements in India
DSE Socio-Political Awakening in Kerala
DSE Transition to Modern World
VI DSC Historiography: Making of a Discipline
DSC Towards Freedom: Making of a Nation
DSC Subaltern Studies: Voice of the Voiceless
DSE Kerala History from 1956 to Present
DSE Global Narratives: A Journey Through
Contemporary Times
VII DSC Practice of Historical Research
DSC Contemporary India: Socio-Political Dynamics
DSE Advances in Historiography
III . General Foundation Courses [ AEC, SEC,VAC & MDC]
Semester Course Subject
I MDC History of Medicine
II MDC Epigraphy and Numismatics
IV SEC Practice of Oral History
V SEC Principles and Techniques of Archaeology
VI SEC History and Media Studies: Theory and

P.G programmes

Master of Arts

Course Outcome

Semester - I
HY 21:  Historical Method – I
HY 212: Indian History – I (Formation of State and Society in Early India - upto 600 C.E)
HY 213: Kerala History – I (Social Formations in the Pre Modern Period - Pre-Historic to 800 C.E)
HY 214 B: Ancient Greece and Rome
Semester - II
HY 221: Historical Method – II
HY 222: Indian History II (India in Transition - Medieval and Pre-Modern Periods - 600- 1700 C.E)
HY 223: Kerala History II (Social Formations in the Pre Modern Period - From 800 To 1498 C.E)
HY 224 C:  History of Medieval Europe
Semester - III
HY 231: Issues in Historiography
HY 232: Indian History III (Colonialism and Indian Responses from 1701 to1947 C.E)
HY233:  Kerala History III (Colonialism and Nationalism - From 1498 To 1956 C.E)
HY 234 A: Modern Revolutions – English, American and French
Semester - IV
HY 241: Indian Historiography
HY 242: Indian History IV – Contemporary Period
HY233:  Kerala History IV (Contemporary Period From 1956 To 2019 C.E)
HY 244 C: Twentieth Century Revolutions