Four Year UG Programmes I &II Discipline Specific Core Courses and Discipline Specific Elective Courses |
Semester | CategoryDSC/DSE | Course |
I | DSC | Solid Earth |
II | DSC | Earth surface processes |
III | DSC | Mineral Science |
DSE | Hydrogeology | |
IV | DSC | Descriptive and Optical Mineralogy |
DSC | Historical Geology and Paleontology | |
DSE | Field Techniques in Geology | |
V | DSC | Magmatic process and Igneous Petrology |
DSC | Sedimentology and Sedimentary Petrology | |
DSC | Principles of Metamorphic Petrology | |
DSE | Advance Palaeontology | |
DSE | Climatology & Marine Science | |
VI | DSC | Structural Geology |
DSC | Resource Geology | |
DSC | Stratigraphy of India | |
DSE | Exploration and Mining Geology | |
DSE | Engineering Geology | |
VII | DSC | Geochemistry and Isotope Geology |
DSC | Advance Remote Sensing and GIS | |
DSE | Mineral wealth of India and Mining Strategies | |
III . General Foundation Courses [ SEC,VAC & MDC] | ||
Semester | Course | Subject |
IV | VAC | Natural Hazards and Disaster Management |
V | SEC | Geotechnical Investigation of Soils |