Department courses

Four Year UG Programmes

I &II Discipline Specific Core Courses and Discipline Specific Elective Courses

Semester CategoryDSC/DSE Course
I DSC Solid Earth
II DSC Earth surface processes
III DSC Mineral Science
DSE Hydrogeology
IV DSC Descriptive and Optical Mineralogy
DSC Historical Geology and Paleontology
DSE Field Techniques in Geology
V DSC Magmatic process and Igneous Petrology
DSC Sedimentology and Sedimentary Petrology
DSC Principles of Metamorphic Petrology
DSE Advance Palaeontology
DSE Climatology & Marine Science
VI DSC Structural Geology
DSC Resource Geology
DSC Stratigraphy of India
DSE Exploration and Mining Geology
DSE Engineering Geology
VII DSC Geochemistry and Isotope Geology
DSC Advance Remote Sensing and GIS
DSE Mineral wealth of India and Mining Strategies
III . General Foundation Courses [  SEC,VAC & MDC]
Semester Course Subject
IV VAC Natural Hazards and Disaster Management
V SEC Geotechnical Investigation of Soils