Courses offered by the Department

Four Year UG Programmes

I &II  Discipline Specific Core Courses and Discipline Specific Elective Courses

Semester CategoryDSC/DSE Course
I DSC Plant World I
DSC Fundamentals and Scope of Botany
DSC Morphology of Flowering Plants
II DSC Plant World II
DSC Anatomy of Flowering Plants
DSC Phycology, Mycology and Plant Pathology
III DSC Histology and Reproductive Botany
DSC Floral Morphology, Systematic Botany and ethnobotany
DSE Ethnobotany & IPR
IV DSC Lower Cryptogams, Phytopathology and Micro biology
DSC Archegoniates and Paleobotany
DSE Herbal Technology
V DSC Angiosperm Morphology and Plant systematics
DSC Plant Genetics
DSC Cell biology and Evolutionary Biology
DSE Horticulture and Nursery Management
DSE Green Technology for Sustainable Development
VI DSC Plant Physiology
DSC Environmental Science and Conservation Biology
DSC Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
DSE Plant Propagation and Crop Improvement
DSE Climate Change and Disaster Management
VII DSC Methodology in Biological Research
DSC Plant Metabolic Processes
DSC Hereditary Science
DSC Biodiversity and Conservation
DSC Plant Interaction and Defense Mechanism
DSE Aquatic Botany
VIII DSC Applied Aspects of Thallophytes
DSC Applied Aspects of Archegoniates
DSC Bioinformatics
III . General Foundation Courses [  SEC,VAC & MDC]
Semester Course Subject
III VAC Green initiatives for Sustainability
IV SEC Mushroom Cultivation
V SEC Urban Gardening and Landscaping

P.G programmes

M.Sc. Degree in Botany
(Specialization: Ethnobotany and Ethnopharmacology)
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